4th Annual Labor Day Oregon Coast Open (LOCO)

“Congratulations to Dave Wiegand for winning his third consecutive LOCO! Props as well to Alec and Kolton for placing second and third. Thanks to Terry and Conrad for helping with cooking, and to all the players and spouses who pitched in to make this beach house tournament run smoothly.”
- Jennifer Clinchy, Co-Director
This budget and the prize amounts are estimates and are subject to change depending on actual expenses and the final number of players.
Entry and lodging fees: $9,180
Returned as prizes: $1,700
1st place, $700 - Dave Wiegand
2nd place, $400 - Alec Sjöholm
3rd place, $300 - Kolton Koehler
4th place, wood plaque - Conrad Bassett-Bouchard
Class prize, $150 - Jennifer Clinchy
Beach house venue rental, $5,332.80
Food and drink for 3.5 days, $1338.81 (food budget overage covered by a donation from the directors)
Wood prize plaques, $19
Financial transaction fees: $186.33
Souvenir jars: $27.99, donated by Jennifer
- Posted In: 2020-2022