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Texas CSW One-Days IV
“It was the most Biblical Texas CSW One-Day yet. Due to an episode of pestilence, we took refuge at our neighborhood brewery, Lazarus Brewing, which nourished our 9 followers. The theme of the day was Lazarus, and Chris Canik won a free lunch by popular approval with his play of GRAVE. James Curley inexplicably rose from the dead to later clinch second place.”
- Jesse Day, Director
Budget numbers and prizes are estimates and subject to change depending on the final number of players.
Entry fees: $175
Returned as prizes:
1st place: Jesse Day, $55
2nd place: James Curley, $40
Malaysian Ringer: James Curley, $40
Biggest Ratings Gain: Emmanuel King, $40
Best theme word: Chris Canik, for GRAVE, earning a free lunch
Expenses: TBD
Financial transaction fees