Division 2

1st Place: $500, Kevin Schutz
2nd Place: $250, Ayotunde Adeyeri
3rd Place: $150, Lindsay Shin
4th Place : $100, Vera Bigall
Class Prize: $100, Chris Sjöholm (finished 9th, seeded #15)
Best CoCo Word: A handmade tile bag with a set of wood word bookmarks: Eric Fox (TOURNEYS)
Best International Word: A handmade tile bag with a set of wood word bookmarks: Andrea Hatch (NATIONS)
Raffle 2nd Grand Prize: A Scrabble Bonanza Bag and one year of CoCo Premium Membership: Eric Fox
The top four players highlighted in purple qualified for the playoffs. Their new ratings including their playoff matches and appear in bold. Their interim ratings after the first 24 games appear in parentheses.