We’re here because of you.
We operate as a nonprofit organization, funded entirely by donations from people like you. We’re committed to financial transparency and publish our budget online so you can track every dollar we spend. We appreciate contributions of any amount and are eternally grateful to our donors for making it possible for us to serve the Scrabble community. To get involved or help in any way you like, contact us.
If you would like to donate to the CoCo with a check instead of an online donation, here’s how you can do it:
Make the check payable to: COLLINS COALITION
Mail the check to this address: Collins Coalition, c/o Jennifer Clinchy, PO Box 257, PMB9944, Olympia, WA, 98507-D257
We give a huge and humble thanks to all our donors, including our many anonymous donors, for their generous contributions.
Becky Dyer
Bharath Balakrishnan
Bob Linn
Brian Bowman
Carol Hendrickson
Conrad Bassett-Bouchard
Dave Wiegand
David Whitley
Devon Dublin
Estelle Rainsford
Evans Clinchy
Gloriosa Agdeppa
Gunther Jacobi
James Curley
Jennifer Clinchy
Jeremy Hildebrand
Jeremy Jeffers
Jesse Day
Jim Brennan
Kate Fukawa-Connelly
Kevin Schutz
Lola McKissen
Mark Francillon
Marsha Gillis
Martin DeMello
Marty Gold
Melanie Clancey
Mohammad Sulaiman
Peter Armstrong
Ranganathan Chakravarthy
Ruth Hamilton
Scott Pianowski
Sean Clinchy
Stewart Houten
Terry Kang
Victor Tung
Yukiko Loritz
Thank you to every single one of our team volunteers and to all of the CoCo directors and organizers for contributing their time and energy to keeping the CoCo going.
Thanks to Adam Logan for providing in-depth game analysis on the CoCo blog. You can read his posts here and here.
Thanks to Andrew Kay for designing the spiffy, color-coordinated logo for the CoCo’s Championship tournament.
Thanks to both Christian Kay and Andrew Kay for all their world-class livestreams for CoCo tournaments.
Thanks to Shan Oran Liu for designing the amazing Scrabble-themed CoCo tournament banner, bookmarks, and t-shirts. You can check out her design portfolio here.
Thanks to Martin DeMello for writing and updating custom scripts to sort tournament entrants, pair players, and calculate and post standings based on the submitted tournament results, thereby enabling us to immediately post pairings and standings in real time while significantly minimizing data entry and input errors.
Thanks to Will Anderson for his many contributions to CoCo Scrabble streaming, especially his graphic design, Twitch broadcasts, and team support to the Streaming Squad for the 2020 Virtual World Cup. Here is his Twitch stream.
Thanks to Conrad-Bassett Bouchard for his beautiful work designing the purple CoCo logo, BlitzChamps logo, and the custom Scrabble boards that appear in the Annotated Games blog posts. Here is his website.
Thanks to Vince Castellano of WGVC for designing, printing, and donating 3-D printed mounts for the livestream rig.
Thanks to Becky Dyer for countless hours of volunteer time dedicated to everything from keeping our member database current to updating entrants lists in real time and providing support for the website and tournaments.
Thanks to Wayne Dyer for all his technical assistance and help with many features of the CoCo website and related Tech Team tasks.