CoCo COVID-19 Policy
Like many of you, we love to play Scrabble over the board with friends from around the continent and around the world. From the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have put the health and safety of our community first. This page provides information on how we approach live tournament play in a manner that protects our communities and minimizes risk to the people around us.
To play an in-person CoCo tournament, you must have been vaccinated for COVID-19. We also strongly encourage players to receive all COVID-19 booster shots for which they are eligible.
Coming together in person is based on trust that we’re all doing our part to protect each other. A director who learns that a player falsified their vaccination status may cancel that player’s tournament registration and not refund the entry fee. If we learn that a player intentionally falsified information about their vaccination status to gain access to a CoCo tournament, our directors may immediately ban that player from registering for any of their future tournaments that require vaccination. This policy is to protect the safety of all players and our local communities.
We believe in empowering our directors, as they are in the best position to know the local conditions in their areas. Each director may implement additional public health and safety practices for their individual tournaments. Additional COVID protocols may include requiring booster shots, masks, proof of vaccination status (your vaccination card), or daily testing. Any COVID requirements beyond the general vaccination requirement will appear on the specific tournament's webpage. The tournament director may deny a player from entering the venue and playing in the tournament if the player is unable or unwilling to comply with applicable COVID protocols.
1. What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?
Players must have received all COVID-19 shots in a primary vaccination series, as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or the equivalent public health authority for players residing in other countries. For most players, this means two sequential shots of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. For CoCo tournaments occurring outside the United States, other local and national restrictions and requirements may apply.
2. Are booster shots required?
Effective March 2023, the CoCo no longer requires that players have received all booster shots for which they are eligible. We do, however, strongly recommend that you get any booster shots available to you.
3. What proof of vaccination is acceptable?
Acceptable proof of vaccination status is a photo or the physical card showing proof of vaccination, including the date when the shots were administered. For U.S. residents, the vaccination card must meet CDC requirements. For residents of Canada and other countries, the vaccination card must meet the requirement of the player’s relevant national public health authority.
4. What if I am unable to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for some reason?
Contact the tournament director before registering for a tournament to discuss.
5. Where can I find more information on COVID-19 vaccination recommendations from public health authorities?
Current CDC recommendations on COVID-19 vaccination series and booster shots can be found here. For Canadian residents, see here.
To promote public health and minimize the spread of germs at tournaments, we have amended the Director’s Handbook and Players’ Handbook to add many health and safety practices. You can read the full details in the Handbooks on our Policies page; below is a sample summary.
Carefully consult and follow local health guidelines and restrictions on gatherings.
Frequent handwashing is encouraged. Attendees may be required to wash their hands upon arrival at the tournament.
Masks may be advisable or required, depending on current public health guidance. Players are welcome to continue wearing masks even when not required.
No player is expected to shake hands or otherwise come into physical contact with others.
Players will use personal devices for word adjudication, rather than a single shared computer, when possible.
Directors may bar players from bringing guests to tournaments or may require that any guests are fully vaccinated.
Last updated: March 4, 2023